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50 years of future
bielefeld UAS

UI / UX (Web / App) and AR


website "50 years of future" (offline)

AR-app "50years AR" for iOS and android

the commemorative publication as an open access e-book

more soon



AR objects
denise albrecht, till finke, laura hiebert, katharina lübeck, sonja mense, katharina meyer, serafima rayskina,
finja salzwedel, henry schaper, aliana steputat

speculative visualizations/bookmarks
patrik hübner, clemens kruse, maximilian lahr, andré plümer called woistpeter, lena schäfferling, christian tewes.

publisher of the commemorative publication, chronology of the bielefeld UAS:
prof. dr. andreas beaugrand
art direction: alessandro sommer M.A.
AR and UI/UX assistance: denise albrecht
editing: prof. dr. andreas beaugrand
translation: morton davies
programming AR-app, tutoriat unity: leonid barsht
tutoriat processing: patrik hübner
adaptation of interactive visualizations for web: lukas luftläufer
programming website: sascha rolfsen, taplab GmbH
editing, project management: prof. florian kühnle, prof. claudia rohrmoser

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